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Global Warming


It's me again, haha.

I've been stuck on an issue for quite some time now. What is Global Warming? What is causing Global Warming? How do we stop Global Warming?

I may not have the answers you want to hear, but please respect them.
Global warming as defined by is;
An increase in the earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution.

Pollution, Pollution, Pollution.
We have been spammed my friends. We have been taught many lies, we have been taught what is right and wrong. Now that Global Warming is in the picture, we, the people, are totally oblivious to what is right and wrong. We are gullible.

You think to yourself, is it us that is causing Global Warming, or is it a slap in the face from God, saying, " you f*cked up."

How do we stop it?
Well in my opinion, thats your job.


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