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See I'm thinking I've heard a lot of wierd stories, but this one has to be the craziest story I have ever read.

January 26th 2009
In the Chicago area a 14 year old boy, Vincent Richardson, dressed like a cop (with newspaper in place as a ballistics vest), showed up for "duty" at 1:30pm at the Grand Crossing District Police Station. He was given a police radio, a ticket book, a cop car and a partner to go out "patrolling."

The boy and his partner spent 5 hours "patrolling", and the boy even got to drive the cop car, until they returned back to the station. His partner failed to realize that he was a fake, however back at the station a senior officer became suspicous and questioned the boy. It turns out the boy had newspaper in place for the ballistics vest, and an empty holster for his gun.

The boy's mother said, Victoria Brock, said that her son went on ten calls before returning back to the station. One of those calls involved domestic violence. His mother also said that this was the third time the boy was caught for impersonating a cop. She also added that his whole life he wanted to be an officer.

At Juvenile court Vincent Richardson pleaded not guilty.

In my opinion this a huge embarressment for The United States.
But you have to admit, it is kind of funny.



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